Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The gods are laughing

I guess we can't rest on our laurels forever. It sure was fun to bask for a while, though! Last night we went to an Agility Fun Match. It's a full-size agility course and you're timed while on the course, but you can do whatever you want instead of adhering to a pre-determined pattern or map. It's great practise for trials - same venue, no pressure.
I decided to work on speed with Dax. I'm told that the faster I am, the more interesting I am to her, and the faster she'll go. So I ran like a crazy lady - no fancy handling attempts, nice easy loops around the obstacles. And they were right - Dax was "flaps (ears) down - full throttle" girl.
Until we got home. I sat down and Dax tried to jump into my lap, as she does every single time I sit. Fran said it looked like she just stopped in mid-air and fell down. Turns out she probably pinched a nerve in her neck and is on crate-rest for a week.
The juxtaposition convinces me that fate has a sense of humor. Not a good one, but it's there.
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zoe's mom said...

Hope its nothing major, and that a little rest does the trick. Rest up sweet Daxie!

Anonymous said...

Agility Fun Match is really enjoyable!! Have you read this article about zootoo & the shelter makeover? http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-04-12-zootoo-shelter-clash_N.htm

Anonymous said...

Oh, Im so sorry to hear Dax is injured. Glad it doesnt appear to be serious. Hope she feels better soon.

Meg and Lola